Moving premises to Ecouflant

Posted on 04 November 2015 , in News

Moving premises to Ecouflant

Since November 2014 we have been based in the outskirts of Angers (49) in the Ecouflant industrial zone. We were able to equip the building to meet our requirements.

As a result, our laboratory is better adapted as we have fitted a cleaning station and the production workshop is bigger.

The changes have ensured improved ergonomics in the workplace which makes it easier to carry out the tasks in hand.

Entreprise Outelec Métrologie à Écouflant dans le Maine et Loire
  • 28 Boulevard de l'Industrie
  • 49000 Écouflant FRANCE

Workshop opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday : 8h00-12h00 13h00-17h00
  • Friday : 8h00-12h00
Outelec métrologie, société certifiée Cofrac étalonnage